Leyland Cypress For Sale
Here at Georgia Tree Farm we offer many size Leyland Cypress Trees For Sale. Our leyland cypress tree farm has these evergreen privacy trees in a 1 gallon container all the way up to 16 feet tall. All of our cypress trees are for sale at wholesale prices. We offer quantity discounts, and are willing to work with every customer on every order. We appreciate your business.
Buy Leyland Cypress Trees
Our most common size we sell are in the 7 gallon and 15 gallon container. 7 Gallon Leyland Cypress are 4 to 5 feet tall on average and are the most commonly purchased fast growing privacy tree. 15 Gallon Leyland Cypress Trees are one size up from a seven gallon leyland, and average 5.5 feet to 6 feet tall. The fifteen gallon leyland cypress are wider at 2.5 to 3 feet in width.
Buy Leyland Cypress Online
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Leyland Cypress For Sale Near Me
Best Prices On: Wholesale Trees, Delivery & Installation
Leyland Cypress Tree Farm
Many Sizes Available. – Best Prices in the Southeast!
Quantity Discounts, Contact Us Today !