Buy Nellie R Stevens Holly
The Nellie R Stevens Holly tree is a fast-growing plant that is perfect for any roomy landscape. When it comes down to it, Nellie R Stevens – also known as Ilex X Nellie R Stevens Holly – grows best in USDA plant hardiness zones 6-9 and requires full sun or partial shade. In terms of soil requirements, the Nellie R Stevens plant thrives in well-drained, slightly acidic soil. If you plan to buy Nellie R Stevens for your landscape, we have got you covered with info on growing successful Nellie R Stevens Holly.
Growing Ilex Nellie R Stevens
The Nellie R Stevens tree typically reaches a height of around 30 feet with a 15-foot diameter at its base. The Ilex Nellie R Stevens standard tree has a pyramidal shape that is much narrower at the base. When growing an Ilex Nellie R Stevens evergreen holly shrub, it is vital to know that it is classified as a broadleaf evergreen. Therefore, it needs to be treated as such. When cared for accordingly, Nellie R Stevens holly will bear deep green spiny leaves and festive round red berries that add a lovely touch to any yard.
If you happen upon Nellie R Stevens holly for sale, it can be an excellent addition both indoors and out. Before investing, however, it is constructive to learn the proper care instructions. Below are some common questions and concerns and the basics for Nellie R Stevens planting and long-term care.
Nellie R Stevens Planting
Ilex Nellie R Stevens is planted in a hole 2X the root ball’s size with a height that is equal to its height. Then water the holly as you would any newly planted foliage.

Nellie R Stevens Growth Rate
Commonly known as a Nellie R Stevens holly hedge, this plant can reach 25-35 feet. As fast-growing trees, Nellie R Stevens grows 3 feet annually.
Nellie R Stevens Spacing
When planting a Nellie R Stevens hedge, when you plant more than one, they must be at least 5-6 feet apart—especially if you want a dense hedge.
Nellie R Stevens Mature Height
The standard Nellie R Stevens height when fully matured is approximately 30 feet.
Is Nellie R Stevens Deer Resistant?
Luckily, the Nellie R Stevens holly bush is typically deer resistant. However, it is still commonly eaten.
Nellie R Stevens Holly Price When seeking Nellie R Stevens for sale, the price you can expect to pay is always going to be the best price at Georgia Tree Farm!
If you have any questions, or want to Purchase Nellie R Stevens Holly, Please..
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