
Gardenia Bush

There are many types of gardenias. One of the most common evergreen Gardenia Shrubs is the August Beauty Gardenia. This is a larger growing shrub that has white blooms, and is very fragrant.

Gardenia Plants For Sale

Wholesale prices on all types of landscaping trees and shrubs. Gardenia plants do very well in sunny areas. Gardenias do not like a lot of water, and prefer well drained soils. A gardenia flower is a creamy-white round bloom, with a glossy darker green leaf, bringing a very neutralized color to any landscape. Typically seen in a gardenia bush, gardenia shrub or gardenia tree, a gardenia plant, in general, will surely be a focal point in any landscaped area.

When do Gardenias bloom?

Gardenias bloom from about May to July, mid-spring to mid-summer, and will produce buds in the late summer to early fall months for the next season!

How to Plant Gardenias?

Growing a gardenia shrub can be one of the best things you do for your garden – but there are some essential steps to follow to ensure you get the best blooms!

Step 1: Make sure you are planting when temperatures are moderate – the fall and spring are ideal!

Step 2: Gardenias like to be planted a little higher, so when you go to dig the hole for planting, add about 3 to 4 inches of loose soil to the bottom of the hole, and then place the Gardenia on top of it.

Step 3: Fill in the remaining spaces with soil and add a mulch layer to the top.

Step 4: Water at least an inch per week.

How to Grow Gardenias

Much like planting, there are a few different conditions in which gardenias will grow best. Firstly, Gardenias love heat, so it’s best to plant your gardenia plant in a spot with full sun and light shade. Some shade is okay, especially in the warmest months. Also, make sure the soil is in a predominantly moist but well-drained area. Gardenias should never be in dry soil, and they shouldn’t be over-watered. To get that beautiful gardenia color, make sure the soil is more acidic, is rich in nutrients, and in high-humid areas.

Types of Gardenia Shrubs

Frost Proof Gardenia is a mid size growing evergreen, and isn’t affected by the cold winter months. Gardenia Radicans are the Dwarf Evergreen Gardenias, and are wonderful when planted along front of larger growing shrubs. With many different types of gardenias out there and amongst popular gardenia varieties as these: Gardenia Jasminoides, Gardenia Veitchii, Jubilation Gardenia, Kleim’s Hardy Gardenia, August Beauty Gardenias, Everblooming Gardenia, Cape Jasmine Gardenias, Gardenia Brighamii, Gardenia Radicans, Gardenia Thunbergia and more, gardenias are a fragrant flower and do best in high-humid areas.

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