Evergreen Shrubs

Evergreen Shrubs For Sale

evergreen shrubs for sale

Dwarf Evergreen Shrubs

Monkey Grass, Mondo, and Dwarf Mondo are a few evergreen ground covers that grow small. Globoso nana, or Globe Cryptomeria grows a little larger around 3ft by 3ft in area.

Small Evergreen Shrubs

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There are many types of Azaleas that are evergreen shrubs. Encore is our most popular type, since it blooms two to three times throughout the year. Evergreen Azalea shrubs generally bloom in the spring and in the fall.

Evergreen Shrubs For Shade

Liriope, also known as Monkey Grass, or Lilly Turf can tolerate a good bit of shade. These evergreen plants can be purchased in a 18 count flat, or in a one gallon container.

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