Types of Trees Approved by County
Many municipalities require you to replant trees whenever there has been extensive grading and clearing. This is known as Tree Recompense, and is a great solution to preserving our local environment. The local jurisdictions require the trees to meet a certain size requirement, and you will have to plant so many per acre to satisfy the requirement.
Commercial Trees for Parking Lot
Look no further than Georgia Tree Farm to help you save the most money when you are required to replant trees here in Georgia, or in neighboring states. We can help with Tree Delivery and Tree Supply no matter the location.
*** Best Prices on Bulk Orders of County Required Trees ***
Common Types of Recompense Trees
Oaks, Maples, and Elms are the most common trees used for recompense. These trees are sold and delivered in many sizes. Most local county arborist recommend using a 2 inch caliper or larger for recompense trees. Contact Us Today, if you have any questions on buying Trees for your project.